Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual

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  1. Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual Download
  2. Avery Berkel Hl 120 User Manual
  3. Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual Free
  4. Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual
Hola colegas tengo un problema con una balanza Avery Berkel hl120 no puedo programar la capacidad ,diviciones,ni el punto decimal .quisiera que me brinden el manual o algun dato de como programar estos parametros,gracias
Avery Berkel Model HL 120 Weighing Instrument
Access to the calibration adjustment is prevented by setting a switch (located below a small access cover on the right side of the indicator) to the locked position. This is sealed by placing a destructible adhesive label over the access cover, and also over an access screw in the battery compartment of the indicator .
It is important to ensure that the switch is in the locked position. This may be checked (without removing the sealing) by the following procedure:
• Turn the instrument off and then on using the switch on the left side of the indicator.
• Whilst the power on test sequence is displayed, press and hold the ZERO key until the display shows “02001”.
• Release the ZERO key.
• “F0” is displayed – press the enter ( <--l ) key.
• If the calibration switch is in the locked position the display will show “02001”. Switch the instrument off and then on to return to normal operating mode.
• If the calibration is not in the locked position the display will show “Zero” (the instrument is not correctly sealed). Switch the instrument off and then on to return to normal operating mode.
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AJUSTE.. HL 122 . Mueva el interruptor interno a la posición 'ADJ' para Desactivar escala Mientras mantiene presionada la tecla 'ENTER' (.t), gireescala en. 0000.0 primer digito parpadeando Ingrese el peso de calibración (preferiblemente lleno ejem. 0150.00 capacidad), use la tecla 'A' para cambiar el valor dedígito y tecla ENTER para ingresar dígitos ypasar al siguiente. (por ejemplo, 150k9) Coloque el peso ingresado en la bandeja Presione ENTER Presione ENTER La calibración está completa Mueva el interruptor interno a la posición 'BLOQUEO'

marck alvarado

Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual Download


Avery Berkel Hl 120 User Manual

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Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual Free

Measurement Canada is responsible for ensuring fair and accurate measure in financial transactions involving goods and services.

Avery Berkel Hl 120 Manual

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