Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software
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- Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software
As a fan wheel or impeller rotates, the Impeller through centrifugal force creates vacuum or low pressure at its inlet suction side. In turn, the impeller creates a positive pressure, inducing a force of air on the discharge side. These basic principals are similar to a pump or water wheel, in which the air is conveyed from the suction to. The software adjusts the parameters in accordance with the fluid properties. The software simulates the use of each type and size of fan. The software calculates diameter and width of the fan impeller. The software calculates the operating rotational speed. The software analyzes the performance and suggests the most suitable fans. Centrifugal fans and blowers Centrifugal fans from ebm-papst are available with forward or backward curved blades. The outstanding feature of the external rotor motors is their compact, flat design, which results from integrating the external rotor motor into the impeller. 'Blowers' refers to devices with scroll. —INDEX— Introduction page 1 ChapterI,RelationBetweenPeripheralVelocity andHead 2 ChapterII,Design.
- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 1526
- Authors : Tushar Adgale, G. R. Gogate, R. V. Bajaj
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS070128
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 07 (July 2014)
- Published (First Online): 07-07-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Centrifugal Blower Impeller using FEA
Adgale Tushar Balkrishna
M.E. Design
Alard College of Engineering & Management
Pune, India
G. R. Gogate
Alard College of Engineering & Management
Pune, India
V. Bajaj
Alard College of Engineering & Management
Pune, India
Abstract – Centrifugal blower used extensively for boiler applications have high noise levels. The noise produced by a rotating component is mainly due to random loading force on the impeller blades. It is important to recognize that the design of any machine is an interdisciplinary process, involving aerodynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, stress analysis, vibration analysis, the selection of materials, and the requirements for manufacturing. Though centrifugal fans have been developed as highly efficient machines, design is still based on various empirical and semi empirical rules proposed by fan designers. Further the scope of work was extended towards performance evaluation of unified design along with comparative assessment of centrifugal fans. A multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate existing fan systems design for root causes of overall vibration problems and development of methods to solve them. To optimize impeller which holds the advantage over right now no matter for its process features or mechanical properties. At last, proposing a rationalize design such that, its natural frequency are far away from the basic frequency of the fan. The modeling of the blower and impeller was done by using solid modeling software, CATIA V5 R19. It is proposed to design a blower with Aluminum, analyze its strength and deformation using FEM software.
Keywords – Centrifugal Blower, Impeller, Static, Modal and Harmonic Response, CATIA V5 R19, ANSYS 14.5.7
Fans and blowers provide air for ventilation and industrial process requirements. Fans generate a pressure to move air (or gases) against a resistance caused by ducts, dampers, or other components in a fan system. The fan rotor receives energy from a rotating shaft and transmits it to the air. Blowers are one of the important component used regularly in Boiler operation. High efficient fans can increase Boiler efficiency. They are used to supply air for combustion of fuel in boiler furnace using Forced Draught (FD) fan, installed in front side of furnace supplying air either at normal temperature or at elevated temperature, if air is supplied using air-pre heater. The fans must have a pressure capability high enough to overcome the total resistance of inlet silencers, air preheat coils, air ducts, air heaters, wind boxes, burner registers, and any other resistance between the air intake of the fan and the furnace. The flue gases generated after combustion of fuel can be drawn out using Induced Draught (ID) fans. They maintain furnace
pressure slightly below atmospheric. Primary Air (PA) fans are used to supply combustion air for atomization of pulverized fuel. Secondary Air (SA) fans are used to convey pulverized fuel through duct conveying system. Generally FD,SA and PA are direct-drive fans whereas ID fan is belt-driven fan. The present work aims at reducing vibration levels below permissible levels.
There are three types of loading that actually act on the centrifugal fan impeller. The first one is the centrifugal force because of impeller rotation that resulted in centrifugal acceleration of the impeller body. The second is that resulted from thermal expansion caused by temperature rising. The last one is the aerodynamic force from pressure conversion between the blade and the air.
The impeller considered for case study has OD660mm, ID200mm, Width of blade at leading edge 45mm, Width of blade at trailing edge 30mm, thickness of back plate 4 mm, thickness of blades 4 mm and shroud 3 mm. Number of blades is 12.Speed of impeller is 2900 rpm. The modified impeller considered for case study has same dimensional considerations except, thickness of back plate 6 mm, thickness of blades 5 mm and shroud 4 mm.
A. Modeling by Using CATIA V5 R19
Modeling of Impeller is done using 3D software CATIA V5 R19. The material used for impeller manufacturing is Structural Steel. Steel has Density 7850 kg/m3 , Yield Strength 250 MPa, Ultimate Tensile Strength 460 MPa, Poisson's Ratio
0.3 and reference temperature taken is 22O C. 1.
2. B. Analysis Of Centrifugal Blower Using ANSYS14.5.7 The analysis of centrifugal blower has been carried out by
using ANSYS 14.5.7 general purpose FEM software. Meshing of the same is been done in ANSYS itself. The total number of Nodes and Elements generated were 345010 and 172137 respectively for existing impeller. The total number of Nodes
and Elements generated were 298079 and 149669 respectively for modified impeller.
Fig. 1 Modelling of Centrifugal Fan Impeller
Fig. 2 Meshing of Centrifugal Fan Impellerr
Fig. 3 Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress of existing Impeller
Fig. 4 Total Deformation of existing Impeller
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 5 Pre-Stress Modal Analysis frequency of existing Impeller
Fig. 6 Deformational Amplitude (x axis) V/s Frequency of existing
Fig. 7 Deformational Amplitude (y axis) V/s Frequency of existing
Fig. 8 Deformational Amplitude (y axis) V/s Frequency of existing
Fig. 9 Equivalent (Von-Mises) Stress of Modified Impeller
Fig. 10 Total Deformation of Modified Impeller
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 11 Pre-Stress Modal Analysis frequency of Modified Impeller
Fig. 12 Deformational Amplitude (x axis) V/s Frequency of Modified
Fig. 13 Deformational Amplitude (y axis) V/s Frequency of modified
Fig. 12 Deformational Amplitude (z axis) V/s Frequency of Modified
Static and Dynamic analysis was carried out using ANSYS
14.5.7 .There was no significant difference for Equivalent (Von-Mises) stress which was around 105 MPa for both cases. Total deformation of existing and modified impeller was 0.10231 mm and 0.0534 mm respectively . In existing impeller its first modal frequency i.e. 99 Hz is closer to 2X frequency of fan i.e. 96Hz. After modifying the impeller the first modal frequency was shifted to 122 Hz. . Frequency Response of Displacement Amplitude (mm) versus Frequency (Hz) was carried out in x, y and z direction Directional deformation obtained for existing impeller in the form of amplitude in x, y, z is 0.0311 mm, 0.0651 mm and 0.0641 mm respectively. Directional deformation obtained in the form amplitude in x, y, z is 0.0113 mm,
mm and 0.00506 mm respectively for modified impeller.
Impeller / Parameter
Equivalent Stress (MPa)
Total Deformation (mm)
x-axis amplitude v/s frequency
y-axis amplitude v/s frequency
z-axis amplitude v/s frequency
Analysis show that modified impeller is more vibrationally stable than previous one .
Maximum Von-Mises stress are induced in Air inlet of shroud.
Prestressed first modal frequency was shifted from 99Hz to 122Hz for modified impeller
Total Deformation is less in modified impeller as compared to inbuilt impeller
Deformational Amplitude in harmonic response analysis is less for modified impeller in all directions.
In future scope for work, the fan can be simultaneously designed by simulation checking for both flow and structural performance. Also now-a- days materials like aluminium and GRPF (materials) are replacing structural steel these can be thought of as alternative unless proving their reliability.
The satisfaction and exhilaration that accompany the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of the people whose constant guidance and encouragement aided in its completion. The authors would like to express the voice of gratitude and respect to all who had directly or indirectly supported for carrying out this
study and special thanks Staff mechanical department, Prof.R.V.Bajaj, HOD, Mechanical department and Dr.A.K.Lal, Principal, Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune.
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Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software Pdf
Advanced Centrifugal Fan selection software.Version 3 Now with CAD drawings :
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Centrix is a centrifugal fan selection program that enables a fan manufacturer to select, design, cost and quote fans for applications.
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Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software Download
Over View :
Selects fans from a range of designs to suit a volume and pressure.
Plots Performance Curves.
Calculates noise levels.
Designs Silencers.
Mechanically designs and calculates stresses.
Produces detail and arrangement drawings.
Automated Drawings generation saved as Autocad dwg files.
Produces Autocad cutting profiles for the main components.
Estimates the costs, areas, weights and labour hours.
Produces a handing specific General Arrangement drawing.
Produces a quotation document.

Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software Online
Centrix Does not :
Design the aerodynamic proportions.
The aerodynamic proportions must be known and entered into the Centrix database. Centrix uses these proportions and designs a range of fans by manipulating the fan laws.
Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software Free
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Aerodynamic designs and a nominal range of sizes are entered into the program by H & R Resources. These designs are usually provided by the purchaser. H & R Resources can provide fan aerodynamic design criteria if required.
The aerodynamic design is what gives a particular fan its volume, pressure and power characteristics. A single aerodynamic design can meet any volume and pressure that you can think of but the size or speed may not be practical due to mechanical limitations (size outside the range or speed outside the range).
The mechanical design must consider :
a) Impeller stresses - dependent on speed, temperature, thickness and material selection.
b) Casing thickness - dependent upon fan diameter, pressure and noise breakout.
c) Shaft design - dependent upon impeller weight, belt or coupling load, motor torque, fan arrangement, temperature etc.
d) Bearing selection - dependent on shaft size and loads and rpm.
c) Pedestal design - dependent on fan diameter, power and rpm.
Centrix selects a standard size of aerodynamic design and calculates all the above factors (and more). For example a particular fan selection may not be suitable for belt drive because the bearings can't take the load and larger bearings can't be used because of rpm limitations. However the same fan could be direct coupled arrangement 8 with no problems due to the much lower load. Also Arrangement 7 shaft and bearings can often be used when an arrangement 8 shaft can't.
Shaft critical speed is easily calculated by Centrix. If you have ever been unable to balance a fan in service and it vibrates like crazy then you probably have a shaft critical speed problem. Did you know that in overhung fans (arrangements 1, 2, 8, 9) the shorter the distance between the bearings the higher the critical speed is and the larger the impeller overhang from the inboard bearing the lower the critical speed is. The shaft critical speed should always be higher than the fan running speed by a margin of at least 25%. Centrix gives a warning when the critical speed is below 35% margin.
Ever had a start up problem? Centrix calculates the starting time and gives warnings alerting you to investigate the use of a larger motor or higher staring torque. Need a speed versus torque curve? Get one from Centrix with dampers open or closed.
Centrix enables the user of the software to interact with the program and mechanically design the fan. From this point of view it is invaluable as a design aid and also as a training tool.
Your Company Logo is added to the program by H & R Resources and will appear on all quotation drawings and documents.
Centrifugal Blower Impeller Design Software
List of Features:
- Quotation database.
- Fan selection and curve plotting including total and static efficiencies and calculated inlet vane / damper curves.
- Automatic calculation of the gas density.
- High temperature selection and design features are provided for temperatures up to 650 Degrees Celsius.
- Noise calculations. Internal Sound power level, inlet and outlet pressure level and breakout noise are all calculated.
- Silencer design, selection and costing.
- Impeller stressing (static 2 dimensional), areas, weights, inertias, material and labour costs.
- D.O.L starting time and torque speed curves with closed or open damper.
- Arrangements 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 are supported. (Arrangement 2 is used for Plug fan designs)
- Fan shaft design for over hung and centre hung arrangements and shaft detail drawing.
- Roller bearing, Carb bearing and ball bearing selection, design life, minimum loads and costing.
- Static component design (thickness, stiffener patterns and stiffener size), areas, weights and labour hours for pedestal, casing, inlet box, inlet damper, outlet damper, inlet vanes.
- Damper and Inlet Vane operating torque.
- Damper detail dimension drawing including selection of damper spindle diameter (calculation of deflection and stress) and bearing costs.
- Pedestal manufacturing drawings for arrangements 1, 8 and 9.
- Arrangement 9 stability calculation.
- Belt centres calculation with slide rail positioning features for true belt centres and tensioning allowance.
- Costing database which allows the user to adjust hours, rates and mark up factors for each individual quote.
- Materials and proprietory equipment database for storing motor dimensions and prices, bearing prices, plate and bar prices etc.
- Calculation of paint costs for various paint schemes.
- Dimension sketch of the fan for the most common fan arrangements including channel base detail drawing for arrangement 1 fans.
- Automated Drawings generation saved as Autocad dwg files for General arrangements and details.
- Produces Autocad cutting profiles for the main components automatically.
- Database maintenance facilities to enable users to keep their costs and rates up to date as well as tune the labour hours to suit different manufacturing techniques.
- Quotation technical schedule document with full editing features.
- Saving and retrieval of projects for later editing
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