Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault

Phone(011) 463 3025 during working hours or

Measure the battery voltage with the charger connected, if the voltage is below 13.5V, then the battery is discharged. The number of cycles per hour may be excessive, thus discharging the battery The charger may be faulty. Disconnect the battery and measure the voltage on the battery leads.

Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault

083 452 2015forafter hour emergencies

Centurion gate motor doss fault finder


The gate system will also shut off until such time as the battery has recharged to an acceptable level. Consult your gate automation specialist or Centurion Systems if you discover that your Battery-low Protection signal continues to re-occur. Page 64: Customising The Features And Functions 22. It’s free and you get to compare multiple quotes from the best gate motor experts in Centurion. Professionals listed on the Snupit platform are experienced, friendly and background-checked. Our numbers say it all! Of the 34 reviews for gate motors, our customers have had a positive and a rewarding experience with 31 gate motor projects.

Introducing the new sliding gate motor recently launched by Centurion

Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault Code

Centurion D5 Smart


Current Sensor Fault Reading Too Low DOSS Fault DOSS Fault - Disconnected Drive Fault Motor Drive Failure Fuse Blown Drive Fault Gate Stalled IRB-C SAF Fail IRB-O SAF Fail Max Collisions No Limits Set Waiting for Co-processor Wait One Minute or Reset All Power General Information Screens Ambush Alarm Break-in Alarm Holiday Lockout page 1 page 1. Centurion Gate Motors Fault Finding D.I.Y.info @ -https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/p261x2200300n.jp.

Centurion D5 Smart Specs .pdf
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Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault Finder

D5 Smart is the new generation sliding gate motor, recently launched by Centurion. The advanced design ethos revolves around lifestyle, making leaving and arriving at your home safe, fast, convenient and secure.

5 reasons to upgrade now!

Centurion gate motor doss fault finder

2x safer

2x faster

2x battery backup

2x difficult to steal

2x convenient with cellphone control

Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault Code

Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault

How Do I Reset My Centurion Gate Motor

We believe in quality service and are committed to ensuring that your gate operates optimally at all times. We offer not only superb service and support but also advice on all your gate automation and intercom needs.


We are leaders in our field:
Installations and repairs are carried out professionally according to manufacturer's specifications.
Our services include:
Installation, repairs and servicing of CENTURION gate motors and intercom systems. We refurbish older generation motors, do upgrades and supply replacement remote controls. We work on both Centurion swing and slide gates. We use only the best products and parts on the market and can also change your motor to a battery backup system to ensure that your gate will operate during a power failure.
We specialise in Centurion heavy duty and normal swing and slide gates.
Popular motors include Centurion D3, D5 &, D10, Vector and R series and NOW the NEW Centurtion D5 Smart!
Centurion gate motors have been manufactured in South Africa for many years, are reliable, fast and will offer you many years of operation. It is very important that a reliable, good quality motor is used, and that spares and parts readily available.
Other factors to consider are speed, safety, anti-theft and
battery backup (convenience during a power failure)

24 Hour Emergency Service

You are dealing with mechanical equiment. Things can go wrong over time. Machinery parts wear and can fail. Make sure that you use a reputable, reliable company with the expertise to meet your requirements.

We carry a large and comprehensive range of spares for all Centurion gate motors enabling us to give our clients service 24/7, 365 days a year including over the Christmas period when the factories shut down.

Centurion Gate Motor Doss Fault Codes