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Cardinal Edwin O'Brien is one of the most powerful and respected cardinals in America, former archbishop of the military services, promoted to archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland and now grand master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

But the truth is that O'Brien has promoted gay clergy and covered up homosexual misconduct by his priests over the decades.

A former Catholic Navy chaplain who worked under O'Brien when he was archbishop of the military services is going on the record about a case of homosexual cover-up perpetrated by O'Brien.

Gene Thomas Gomulka served on active duty at Marine Corps and Navy commands for over 24 years and was the Marine Forces Pacific Chaplain (1999–2002) and the Deputy Chaplain of the Marine Corps (1991–94), where he oversaw 250 chaplains — Catholic as well as non-Catholic

In 2001, Gomulka wrote an article in America magazine titled 'Home Alone in the Priesthood,' where he disclosed the high rate of sexual misconduct among Catholic chaplains.

He said:

While serving as the deputy chaplain of the U.S. Marine Corps, with supervisory responsibility for some 250 chaplains from some 60 different faith groups, I was discouraged by the disproportionate number of Catholic chaplains who were committing offenses that resulted either in their imprisonment or separation from the military. While priests comprised about 20 percent of the chaplains, they accounted for about 50 percent of the serious offenses.

O'Brien was not happy with this article, published, again, while he was the archbishop of the Military Services, even questioning the truth of Gomulka's statistics.

Gomulka sent a follow-up letter making clear his numbers were accurate, noting that out of the 50 Catholic chaplains under his supervision, five of them had committed serious sexual offenses over the course of just three years — four of the five being homosexual in nature.

The next year — 2002 — when Gomulka was stationed in Hawaii, he discovered that Navy chaplain Fr. Matt Lee was living with a boyfriend. He reported the information to O'Brien in May and received no response.

Gene Gomulka: 'I was dealing with a situation involving a priest, a chaplain, who had a live-in boyfriend. ... I got neither an acknowledge of my report nor a response to my report — nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing.'

It was only in October, after The Boston Globe exposed the sex abuse crisis in the Church, that Gomulka finally got a response from O'Brien, who called him back to D.C. for a private meeting.

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Gomulka went to the meeting armed with all his documentation about Fr. Matt Lee's homosexual misconduct, but was stunned by what O'Brien had to say:

But then, when we sit down, he says, 'Gene, I'm really concerned about your spiritual, your psychological welfare — I think you need some help, Gene. Would you consent to undergoing a psychological evaluation?' And I'm thinking, 'Holy!' I thought we were here to discuss — if anyone needs help, I think it's people like Matt Lee and others and Joe Estabrook, who's his friend, covering up for him.

Gomulka ultimately refused to go to treatment as there was nothing wrong with him.

Meanwhile, O'Brien offered no objection when Fr. Lee's commanders transferred him to the U.S. Naval Academy, around many attractive young men, nor did O'Brien raise any objection when Lee was sent to a prestigious assignment at the Marine Corps base at Quantico.

But Fr. Lee continued his homosexual predation and in 2007, he was arrested for aggravated assault — sodomy — and failing to inform sex partners he was HIV positive.

In a public statement to the media at the time, O'Brien said, 'When the Archdiocese for the Military Services became aware through Chaplain Lee that there was an accusation against him of immoral behavior with military personnel, we, along with the Archdiocese of Washington, removed his faculties immediately.'

Gene Gomulka: 'Yes, that's true — but it's a lie. You see, it's true that they did remove him but what's not true is the fact that, in 2002 — five years earlier — not Fr. Lee, but Fr. Gomulka, informed him of Matt having a live-in boyfriend and was up to things he should not be doing.'

After Lee served two years in prison, he was released, only to be arrested again in 2014 for child porn. He'd been caught taking pictures of a male teen. Lee is currently serving a 30-year sentence in a Delaware State Prison.

Gomulka lays the blame largely at O'Brien's feet, for failing to intervene early on with Fr. Lee as soon as he knew of his homosexual misconduct, instead, covering it up and not alerting his commanding officers to potential dangers which allowed him to continue his homosexual assaults.

Gene Gomulka: 'If I were the Holy Father, I would say, 'Abp. O'Brien, for your penance, I would like you to visit Fr. Lee in prison every month for the rest your life, and you will be his spiritual counselor there as long as you shall live because poor Matt could've been saved.'

O'Brien has also lied about the true numbers of sex-abusing priests.

He told the public that there have ever only been two instances of sex-abusing priests in the military services, a number flatly contradicted by Gomulka's data.

Even more .. the website BishopAccountability.org lists as many as 100 priests in the military accused of sex abuse.

Gene Gomulka: 'OK, O'Brien here says there were two cases when there were a hundred, right? The same thing, I'm sure, happened with a lot of other bishops — they underreported. ... I'm sure that Abp. O'Brien saw this, my data and my reporting and as a threat to his chances of ever becoming a cardinal, and he is today.'

If O'Brien was lying, underreporting the true numbers of accused priests, the question arises: Are other bishops also underreporting?

For instance, the 2004 John Jay Report, which surveyed all data on priestly sex abuse over a period of about 50 years, claimed only four percent of all priests were accused.

But the Boston archdiocese under intense secular media scrutiny was reporting almost 11 percent over the same time period, the same percentage that Gomulka had arrived at from his experience in the military, and it matches the numbers estimated by Fr. Dariusz Oko, who, in 2012, published the groundbreaking study on homosexuality in the clergy titled With the Pope Against the Homoheresy.

The discrepancy between independent sources and the bishops' self-reporting is sizeable and raises the real possibility that the numbers being released by individual bishops, proven in the case of Cdl. O'Brien, are simply not truthful.

The discrepancy between independent sources and the bishops' self-reporting is sizeable and raises the real possibility that the numbers being released by individual bishops, proven in the case of Cdl. O'Brien, are simply not truthful.

Church Militant, recall, was the first to report in 2015 O'Brien's role as ringleader of a homosexual cabal in New York stretching back decades, reporting for which Church Militant was heavily criticized at the time.

A credible source from within the New York archdiocese who needed us to protect his identity vouched for O'Brien's leading role in fostering a homosexual subculture as early as the 1980s, when he was rector of Saint Joseph's Seminary in Dunwoodie.

Bob: 'This all began back in the seminary days. Cardinal O'Brien is someone who is not unknown in the archdiocese of New York.'

Michael Voris: 'He was rector of the seminary.'

Bob: 'He was the rector of the seminary, and in fact these relationships of the people we've been talking about here, which would be Peter Miqueli, Sorgie, Mustaciuolo, Weber, and in fact Cdl. O'Brien, these were all relationships that were forged back in the 1980s at Dunwoodie in St. Joseph Seminary. In fact, it might be shocking to hear, but these men regularly had conversations that I was privy to where they jokingly and openly recollected masochistic activity and parties and things that they did back in the seminary.'

Michael: 'You were in the presence, you were personally in the presence of these people as they were recounting stories of sexual activities with each other while they were in seminary?'

Bob: 'Yes, yes.'

In fact, sources reveal O'Brien had been given the nickname 'The Master' among the group — again, heard directly from our source in New York.

Bob: 'In fact, Cdl. O'Brien was referred to as the 'master.' He was the 'master.' Whatever that meant, only they know.

Michael Voris: 'And is this sort of the political body, so to speak? This is the group that now runs everything in the archdiocese?'

Bob: 'Yes, but they don't run it alone. They are the main leadership structure, if you will, because they are in positions of power already in the archdiocese of New York and have been in positions of power for quite some time.'

When O'Brien visited New York from Rome to do confirmations, he'd be picked up at the airport by Keith Crist, a gay-for-pay prostitute associated with Fr. Peter Miqueli.

Michael Voris: 'Keith Crist, gay-for-pay prostitute, who had failed the Safe Environment program, is also, when Cdl. Edwin O'Brien comes into town, is chauffeuring him from the airport, chauffeuring the cardinal from the airport to Fr. Peter Miqueli.'

Bob: 'Yes. That is correct.'

Michael Voris: 'And you, or others you know, are witnesses to that.'

Bob: 'Yes.'

Michael Voris: 'So there is a gay-for-pay prostitute, who shouldn't even be on church property, who's in the rectory. He's chauffeuring Cdl. Edwin O'Brien around and driving him around when he's in town when he's coming in for Fr. Miqueli's requested events. There's gay porn on the rectory computer, witnessed by various parishioners. All of this is being reported to the archdiocese.'

Bob: 'Yes. Absolutely.'

Michael Voris: 'And what are they doing about it?'

Bob: 'Well, from what can be seen, they did little to nothing. It's sad to admit that truth, but they did little to nothing.'

Miqueli was accused by his parishioners of embezzling nearly a million dollars in parish funds, but multiple pleas from Catholics to the archdiocese were largely ignored, with Cdl. Timothy Dolan allowing the priest to stay in place in spite of proof of Miqueli's financial misdeeds as well as homosexual misconduct with his gay-for-pay prostitute boyfriend, Keith Crist.

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It was only once the parishioners sued the archdiocese and the story gained national media attention that Miqueli was finally forced to resign from his parish, but to this day, nearly three years later, he remains a priest on the archdiocesan payroll — supported by laity.

And Cdl. Dolan continues to defend Miqueli. Responding to an angry Catholic who said he won't contribute to Dolan's $200 million fundraising campaign because of how Dolan mishandled the Miqueli case, Dolan was defiant, saying in a letter, 'As to the allegations of sexual misconduct, again no one has come forward, despite requests, with credible evidence.'

This is flatly untrue. Church Militant was shown multiple text messages between Keith Crist and his girlfriend, Tatyana Gudin, discussing numerous sexual liaisons between Crist and Fr. Miqueli.

Among the graphic sexual texts were also many references to partying with the priest and illegal drug use — this one from two years prior to anything being known publicly.

[Transcript Unavailable]

Tatyana has offered many times to meet with Cdl. Dolan to present her mountains of evidence, but Dolan has rebuffed her multiple times and still claims there is no evidence of sexual wrong-doing by Miqueli.

It's known also Cdl. O'Brien protects Miqueli. In fact, multiple parishioners told Church Militant they saw with their own eyes gay-for-pay prostitute Crist screaming at a faithful Catholic in Miqueli's parish with whom he'd gotten into a feud, shouting, 'I will tell O'Brien — and O'Brien will destroy you.'

There's another priest O'Brien protects: Msgr. Greg Mustaciuolo, vicar general, chancellor and moderator for the curia and widely regarded as the second most powerful figure in the archdiocese, pulling the strings behind the scenes and protecting homosexual clergy.

Mustaciuolo was a favorite of O'Brien's back in seminary days. O'Brien gave him the nickname 'Pet,' a nickname with a double meaning, as Mustaciuolo was given the special privilege of walking O'Brien's dog, but was also known to be on intimate terms with O'Brien. Mustaciuolo has close connections to several troubled priests.

In addition to his links to Fr. Peter Miqueli, Mustaciuolo was also tied to Msgr. Michael Hull, professor of Sacred Scripture at Dunwoodie for 20 years, who abruptly disappeared in 2014, only to turn up later in Scotland with a wife 30 years younger than him and newborn baby and now a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

A source within the chancery confirmed with Church Militant that Mustaciuolo and Hull were romantically linked, that Hull was considered Mustaciuolo's alter ego, the two of them even showing up at the chancery in matching Mickey Mouse sweaters after spending nights at St. Joseph's Seminary together.

Mustaciuolo was responsible for securing three simultaneous full-time jobs for Hull — with accompanying full-time salaries. In addition to his job as professor at Dunwoodie and as pastor at Guardian Angel parish, Hull was made head of the Sheen Center for Thought and Culture in spite of lacking the credentials or experience for the position, and his own jokes with other New York clergy that he knew nothing about what he was supposed to do there.

In spite of widespread claims that Hull had embezzled donations from the Sheen Center and from his own parish to fund his rectory renovations, the archdiocese did not conduct an audit of the parish after Hull's disappearance — an omission still noticed by New York clergy, who tell Church Militant they believe financial misdealings would be exposed if such an audit were ever done.

Another troubled priest linked to Mustaciuolo is Fr. Gary Mead, currently head of Instructional Television for the archdiocese of New York, the archdiocese's official TV station, which regularly broadcasts Cdl. Dolan's talks and other local programs. Inside sources say he owes this prestigious position to his friend Mustaciuolo.

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Mead was busted in a gay sex sting over a decade ago.

2007 police records show Mead, who was working at St. Gregory Barbarigo parish in Garnerville at the time, was found performing lewd acts in a public restroom off Interstate 684, in well-heeled Westchester County, a well-known haunt for homosexual cruising, where he solicited sex from an undercover police-man and tried to fondle him. He was arrested and charged with loitering and forcible touching.

The sting was prompted by a complaint from a parent who had taken his 10-year-old son to use the restroom and witnessed homosexual activity between various men.

At the arraignment, Mead's attorney pleaded 'not guilty' to both counts on his client's behalf. Mead was removed as parochial vicar of St. Gregory Barbarigo, and his case was sealed by the archdiocese.

He dropped out of sight for two years until 2009, when he was moved to Holy Trinity Catholic Church, where he remains resident priest.

Because of his arrest, he's not allowed to be pastor, but he does offer Sunday Mass, and parishioners there have recently told Church Militant that Fr. Mead remains extremely active at the parish.

In spite of his arrest record for trying to solicit gay sex, Mead was made head of Instruction Television for the archdiocese whose broadcast studios are located on the grounds of Saint Joseph's Seminary.

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A chancery employee spoke with Church Militant, saying, 'Some think he should be placed in prison or hospital work, not mingling with seminarians and Catholic school students.'

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Meanwhile, in addition to the $200 million Dolan is trying to raise, he's also asking for an additional $20 million for his cardinal's appeal, and all in the midst of the fallout from the Cdl. McCarrick revelations and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, showing systemic cover-up of homosexual predation on youth and adults.

This also comes after paying out $60 million dollars in sex abuse payouts over the past two years alone.

As one pro-homosexual generation of clerics passes from the scene, they are replaced by those they have groomed to step into their shoes.

So far, nearly 300 victims have been paid through the archdiocese's victims' compensation fund set up in 2016. Their money comes with the promise that they won't sue the archdiocese in the future.

Recent reports also reveal the New York bishops, headed by Cdl. Dolan, paid $2.1 million in lobbying efforts against the Child Victims Act, a law that would lift the statute of limitations for victims of priestly sex abuse.

Catholics everywhere are fed up, pledging to boycott their bishops' fundraising appeals until they clear up the clerical rot in their ranks, with thousands expected to descend on Baltimore, Maryland this November for the Silence Stops Now rally, demanding authentic reform in the Church instead of meaningless apologies and empty statements and deflections from the real issue, which Catholics are recognizing as rampant homosexuality in the clergy, covered up and even promoted by bishops and cardinals.

The latest attempt by the Pope and gay-friendly cardinals like Blase Cupich of Chicago to distract from the issue and instead blame clericalism, a notion that's being roundly mocked by Catholics on social media, was rejected by Gene Gomulka.

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Gene Gomulka: 'Look, 80 percent of those who were sexually abused were teenage boys. This is man-on-man sex. This is homosexuality. ... The bishops knew about McCarrick. Well, they also know that a large number, perhaps even a larger number of bishops, are homosexuals than there are priests because one is going to promote the other one.'

Listen to what he said. He believes the numbers of homosexual bishops may be even higher than that of homosexual priests, and that they protect and promote their own.

The case of Cdl. Edwin O'Brien demonstrates how entrenched and how far back into the past this whole web reaches, and how generational it is, that as one pro-homosexual generation of clerics passes from the scene, they are replaced by those they have groomed to step into their shoes.

As long as good Church leaders refuse to address this crucial issue, the issue of homosexuality among priests and the hierarchy, there's no reason to believe sexual misconduct in the priesthood will ever come to an end.

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