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Parashara's LightWindows

1.PLFonts.exe (for Windows only)
If the Sanskrit Shlokas and the Om sign on the top of the reports is not showing correctly, you need to install some fonts on your system. Please download these fonts and install them.
Please proceed as follows:
Please click on the link above and the download will automatically start (You must of course have your machine connected to the internet). A window will come up prompting you to save the file PLFonts.exe to your system by setting a path. Please launch Windows Explorer. Locate this file and double click on it.
This exercise will install PLFonts on your computer.
Users of Shri Muhurta who face the following problems should download this file.
a. On starting Shri Muhurta, the following message appears: 'Microsoft Jet Database Engine cannot find the input table or query 'MuhurtaTable0'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.'
b. When you click on the muhurta 'Recover due Money', the program crashes
Please proceed as follows:
Please click on the link above and the download will automatically start (You must of course have your machine connected to the internet). A window will come up prompting you to save the file muhurtdb.mdb to your system by setting a path. When download is completed, please launch Windows Explorer. Locate this file and select it. Right click on it and select 'Copy'.
Now look for the 'Muhurta' directory in the drive where you installed the program. In all probability it should be C: . Double click on 'Muhurta'. Next Select the 'Bin folder. Right click on it and paste the file Muhurtdb.mdb Restart the program. This will resolve your problem.
If you have XP, there are sometimes problems with launching SM after the password is entered. If Shri Muhurta crashes unexpectedly at the very beginning, it may be necessary to save a small file called 'mscal.ocx' into your Muhurta folder.
Please proceed as follows:
Please click on the link above and the download will automatically start (You must of course have your machine connected to the internet). A window will come up prompting you to save the file mscal.ocx to your system by setting a path. Please launch Windows Explorer. Locate this file and select it. Right click on it and select 'Copy'.
Next Click on C: or D: depending on the location where your Shri Muhurta program is installed. In all probability, you will find it in C: Now look for the 'Muhurta' folder and right click on it. Select the Paste option. You may be asked if you wish to overwrite an existing file by the same name. Please confirm. You can now run Shri Muhurta.
Parashara Light 8.0 Free Download
If Shri Muhurta gives an error message : 'Unable to initialize the data base engine DAO/jet' , then you need to install an ado driver on your system in order to resolve this issue. The size of this driver is big (7.5mb).
Please proceed as follows:
Please click on the link above and the download will automatically start (You must of course have your machine connected to the internet). A window will come up prompting you to save the file AdoDriver.exe to your system by setting a path. Please launch Windows Explorer. Locate this file and double click on it. A window will come up asking for the path to unzip some files. By default the files will be unzipped to C:. Please change the path if you wish to unzip it elsewhere. Now click on the 'Unzip' button.
This exercise will create a folder on your system called adodriver. Double click on this folder to expand it.
Now run the file: setup.exe. After you have run it, please restart your system.
If you are unable to download the adodriver.exe, this is probably due to a low speed of your internet connection. The size of the file is big and perhaps the download gets aborted mid way. We recommend that you use some Download facilitators like Net Ants (freely available on the net). This will help you download in parts and take up from where you last left.

Parashara Light 8.0 Free Download Pc
Users of Shri Muhurta who face the following problem should download this file.
When you click on 'Find Muhurta', the progress bar gets stuck at 99% or before and the program crashes.
Please proceed as follows:
Please click on the link above and the download will automatically start (You must of course have your machine connected to the internet). A window will come up prompting you to save the file DateList.exe to your system by setting a path. Please launch Windows Explorer. Locate this file and double click on it. A window will come up asking for the path to unzip some file. By default the files will be unzipped to C:. Please change the path if you wish to unzip it elsewhere. Now click on the 'Unzip' button.
This exercise will create a file on your system called datelist.csv.
Please launch Windows Explorer. Locate this file and select it. Right click on it and select 'Copy'.
Now look for the 'Muhurta' directory in the drive where you installed the program. In all probability it should be C:. Double click on 'Muhurta'. Next Select the 'Temp' folder. Right click on it and paste the file datelist.csv
Restart the Program.