Rigid Pavement Design Software Free Download
- Rigid Pavement Design software, free download
- Rigid Pavement Design software, free download Pdf
- Rigid Pavement Design software, free download Windows
.AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design v2.6 is now available. 6/26/2020. AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of AASHTOWare® pavement design software, which builds upon the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, and expands and improves the features in the accompanying prototype computational software. Download Pavement Design Software - best software for Windows. Rubicon ToolBox: Rubicon Toolbox is the latest release of the Rubicon suite of software tools for. RIGID PAVEMENT DESIGN NPTEL May 7, 2007 Mild steel rounded bars, bonded on one side and free on other side Bradbury’s analysis.
Rigid Pavement Design software, free download

AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is a professional software for floor or pavement design that is based on experimental-mechanical engineering design guidelines and improves prototype computing software features. ME Design is a software tool designed to support the daily design operations of pavement engineers publicly and privately. Deviation data analysis and mechanical evaluation tools are a standalone software program that can be used to generate predicted values in AASHTO Pavement ME Design software for design refurbishment.
Rigid Pavement Design software, free download Pdf
It is also capable of analyzing raw data files from weight loss test (FWD) machines, elastic computation for rigid and flexible walks.
- SCM Evaluation (Feb 10, 2011, 44KB, MS-Excel)This spreadsheet tool is useful for evaluating if a submitted concrete mix design conforms to the 2009 specification for concrete. It allows for input of exposure conditions and blended cement use.
Rigid Pavement Design software, free download Windows
Web-Based CalAC-Web and CalFP-Web for Flexible Pavement Thickness Design
* Note - These Applications can perform Directory Traversals, (can access folders that are not in the same directory/file) and can be interpreted by some tools as Malware. Users will need to make their own determinations as to whether or not this software is appropriate to use.
- CalAC-Web (Updated 04/02/19) CalAC-Web is an online program to design rehabilitation alternatives for flexible pavements. This program follows a procedure similar to the Windows-based version, CalAC. The recent changes in design policy have been incorporated into the new version. Please follow the link and register an account to start using the program.
- CalFP-Web (Updated 04/02/19) CalFP-Web is a program to design new pavement alternatives for flexible pavements. This program follows a procedure similar to Windows-based version, CalFP. The recent changes in design policy have been incorporated into the new version. Please follow the link and register an account to start using the program. CalAC-Web and CalFP-Web has been verified to produce results consistent with CalAC and CalFP, respectively.
- RealCost v2.5CA (ZIP) LCCA (Life-Cycle Cost Analysis) is an analytical technique that is built on well-founded economic principles to evaluate long-term alternative investment options. The analysis enables the total cost comparison of competing pavement design (new or rehabilitation) alternatives, each of which would be appropriate for implementation to the roadway being considered.
- CalME is a software program developed by Caltrans/UCPRC using the Mechanistic-Empirical (ME) methodologies for analyzing and designing the performance of flexible pavements. CalME uses an 'incremental recursive' (I-R) approach that models the entire damage process, not just the initial condition after construction and the final failure condition. Instead, CalME simulates the pavement performance starting from the initial undamaged pavement stress, strain, and deformation responses to temperature and load to the end failure state.
A web-based Version 3.0 of CalME is currently being developed and calibrated to accommodate wider range of materials. At this time it is not available for private use; it is only available to use for Caltrans projects. CalAC-Web, CalFP-Web, and CalME V3.0 are hosted on the same website and share the same user interface.
CalME is designed to maximize utility for the majority of the asphalt pavement work for which Caltrans, local government, and consultant engineers will use it by focusing on:
- Rehabilitation, pavement preservation and reconstruction
- New materials and in-place recycling
- Construction quality
- CalBack is a software developed by Caltrans/UCPRC to backcalculate layer moduli of flexible and rigid pavements using FWD deflection data collected from existing pavements. CalBack contains specific features pertinent to California and is designed to work stand-alone, or in concert with the flexible pavement design and analysis software CalME. CalBack has significant versatility via three deflection-matching search engines; three response models for flexible pavements; Westergaard model for rigid pavements; and a large, self-contained, expandable material characterization database.