Upsilon 2000 5.4 Download

  • UPS monitoring software-UPSilon 2000. UPSilon 2000 is a monitoring and controlling software for smart UPS, which displays the status of UPS (e.g. Input & output voltage, line frequency, load, temperature and battery capacity) in digital and graphic, When the power is on, it wll display UPS status in analog diagram display.
  • UPS technet - download. UPSmon is a multiplatform client-server software that enables remote monitoring of the UPS with SNMP, HTTP, and UDP. Local and remote shutdown. Cascade monitoring and cross-platform interoperability with other servers. UDP communication with client software. HTTP communication with standard internet browsers.

UPS monitoring software-UPSilon 2000

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UPSilon 2000 is a monitoring and controlling software for smart UPS, which displays the status of UPS (e.g. input & output voltage, line frequency, load, temperature and battery capacity) in digital and graphic, When the power is on, it wll display UPS status in analog diagram display. It can also monitor your UPS remotely via network and manage the power more effectively. On AC failure or UPS battery low, UPSilon 2000 will perform its monitoring function without people around.

Upsilon 2000 V 5.4 Download

UPSilon 2000 has some new ways to send the warning messages, auto dialing and by E-mail. additionally ,UPSilon 2000 features a new Windows NT service function, which allows the monitor program to be executed automatically before log in. UPSilon is out there in many languages, you'll select the one that's most familiar for you to carry out the software configuration and operation. Conbined with ClientMate, UPSilon could be as server software, helping CilentMates get UPS status from it.

Download the software below,if you have any question or if the link doesn't work,feel free to contact

General Features:


♦ Support Windows NT Service function.
♦ Support multiple shut down.
♦ Support multiple languages.
♦ Sending warning message by e-mail automatically.
♦ Calling pager for the warning message automatically.
♦ Remote monitoring UPS via TCP/IP or Internet.
♦ Detect AC fail and UPS battery low automatically.
♦ Scheduling turn on/off timing.
♦ Displaying the UPS status at graphic, such as the
temperature, voltage, load, line frequency etc.
♦ Broadcasting warning message.
♦ Setting the countdown timing and the interval of each
♦ Setting UPS diagnostic and self- test time.
♦ Before removing the system, automatically close and
store the applicable programs.
♦ Recording and analyzing the UPS status.

Welcome to MegaTec Technical Support & FAQ

Upsilon 2000 5.4 Download Free


Find out about the most frequently asked questions and answers about our product here.

In the event, the questions that you need are not listed in this list, please send an email to our Technical Supportteam;

Please make sure that you have the following details listed:

1. Software Name:

2. Version Number:

3. Serial Number:

4. Current Operating System:

5. Problem you are experiencing:

    • Contact Closure vs. RS232 UPS

    • Bundled vs. Standard version

    • RUPS 2000 vs. UPSilon 2000

General Q&A

What is the difference between Contact Closure UPS and RS232 UPS?

Contact Closure UPS is a UPS which also named relay interface UPS or dry contact UPS. The common UPS DB9 connector types are (ref. Products-RUPS):

RS232 UPSwhich follows Megatec protocol is an intelligent UPS.

What is the difference between Bundled version & Standard version?

The Bundled versions are in plastic packing, without manual (can opt to add a manual with an additional cost) and they are primarily for UPS manufacturers to bundle the software with their UPS. And most importantly, they are not for resale.

The Standard versions are in box packing, with manuals and they can be sold separately from the UPS (buyer can opt to sell with UPS too). These are supplied to UPS manufacturers, dealers or importers.

What is the difference between RUPS 2000 & UPSilon 2000?

RUPS 2000 is used on contact closure UPS, while UPSilon 2000 is used on RS232 UPS follows our MEGATEC protocol.

RUPS2000 Q&A

When we use the RUPS 2000 on the Windows NT, is there anything we have to setup besides connects the M2501 cable on the COM port?

The M2501 cable is compatible with the specification for UPS connection from Microsoft. Connect the male connection of the cable to the UPS and the female connector to the computer? COM port, setup the UPS settings in the Control Panel and restart the UPS service.

When we close the UPS configuration in the Control Panel, the Windows NT will restart the UPS service, but the messages show that the UPS service cannot start normally.

1. Check if the COM port setting is correct.
2. Enable the Power Failure Signal, select Negative.
3. Enable the Low Battery Signal, select Negative.
4. Enable the Remote UPS Shutdown, select Positive.
Restart the UPS service after finished the configuration

What is the possible cause if the settings are correct but the UPS service cannot start?

Disconnect the M2501 cable from the UPS and restart again. If the service restarts normally, it means the UPS connection has problem. Please check this with the UPS manufacturer if the AC power is normal. If the UPS service cannot be started after UPS
cable disconnect, check if the RS232 port or replace the M2501 cable.

What is the possible cause that the UPS service setting and restart normally, but Windows NT restarted, UPS went abnormal or been switched to the Bypass Mode, which means the power will be turn-off when the AC failure happened.

When the Windows NT started, Windows OS will reset the COM port in the system, which will make the DTR signal active of the COM and send out the Turn-Off signal to the UPS.

For some UPS, this will make the UPS switch to the Bypass Mode and turn-off the power protection function.

Solutions are:

1. inform the UPS manufacturer to modify the UPS communication interface.

2. use the M2601 adapter to solve this problem, the M2601 will send the turn-off signal to the UPS only if the AC is failed.

3. Change the cable M2501 to M2601, the M2601 cable is the combine of the M2501 cable and the M2601 adapter.

What is the reason that the problem happened only in the Windows NT system but not the Novell Netware or the MS-DOS system?

In the Windows NT system, Windows OS will reset the COM port in the system, which will make the DTR signal active of the COM and send out the Turn-Off signal to the UPS. In the Netware or MS_DOS system, the device driver can drive the COM directly and avoid this problem

When the Power failure happened, Windows NT ignores it, but shutdown the system when battery low happened?

When the Battery Low signal enabled, Windows NT will ignore the power failure signal, the system will be turn-off when the battery low happened.

Is it possible to shutdown the Windows NT system when the AC failed for 5 minutes, but not after battery been exhausted.

Yes, please disable the battery low detection function and setup the time in the Expected battery life.

I already setup the Expected Battery Lift 10 minutes, but the Windows NT shut down when power failure?

In the Windows NT UPS configuration, there is a parameter named Battery recharge time per minute of run time, the default value is 100 minutes, which means the NT runs 100 minutes to make UPS supply system power for 1 minute. When the system power
failure, the Windows NT thinks the power is not enough for running, so the system been shutdown immediately. Change the parameter into 2 minutes if you want to test this function.

Could we set the schedule turn-on turn-off time in the Windows NT UPS service?

No, There is no this function in the Windows NT UPS service. Please select the RUPS II software and an Advanced Intelligent UPS for the schedule on/off function.

RUPS 2000 batch file to shutdown server.

Users could make their own shutdown batch file and save it in the'SYS:/SYSTEM' with the filename 'RUPSDOWN.NCF'.

Mistakenly installed RUPS 2000 on WindowsNT

When using Windows NT with RUPS 2000, there's no need to install RUPS 2000 software, only the cable.

If WindowsNT already has it's own UPS monitoring utility and RUPS 2000 has been mistakenly installed, please remove using the following steps:

1. Go to MS-DOS box and type Set to look for the Windows NT directory

2. In Windows NT directory, still in MS-DOS, type Regedit, then click the following in order:







LOAD, delete RUPS2000.exe

3. Then reboot & reinstall.

On RUPS for UNIX, an error message appear saying 'Invalid Cable ID' and software stop working.

Go to /usr/openwin/openwin then using filemanager, click serial, and choose either ttya or ttyb. Disable, then exit.

RUPS for UNIX on Solaris 2.6 SUN SPARC, having the following error message:

'Start UPS'

'Cannot open RUPS log file!'

'RUPS stopped!'

Make a new directory /usr/adm

'HP-UX' I can not reboot system normally after I installed RUPS 2000 for UNIX on my HP system and followed with error message 'getty a tty fail'. This message show up repeatedly and I can not log into the system.

1. In order to modify, try on of the following methods to get into the system

a. Press 'Break' button. You can get into the system if the process if interrupted.

b. Get into the system with Telnet. Kill Daemon process of RUPS 2000.

c. Get into the system with management mode to modify.

2. Modify the file /etc/inittab. Insert # in the top of the line rups (or rupsii) and then save file.

3. Modify the file Startup.

a. In the system HP-UX 10.xx: Find the file S860rups in installed directory /tmp/rups (or /tmp/rups2) Copy S860rups to /etc/rc2.d

b. In the system HP-UX 9.xx

i. RUPS for UNIX: Insert one line 'etc/rups/rupsd' before the line '}' of the process section 'localrc( )'

localrc( )





ii. RUPS for UNIX or UPSilon for UNIX: Insert one line etc/rups/rupsd '(twelve spaces)' before the line '}' of the process section 'localrc( )'

localrc( )



etc/rups/rupsd '(twelve spaces)'


In UNIX system, the system server follows the shutdown process when the system still runs backup files

Insert the process below to the UNIX start-up or manually execute it. In that way, the system will finish the backup program before the server shuts down.

at -f file -t mmddhhmm (month/date/hour/minute, **Note: do not input the 'mmdd' for executing it everyday)

In RUPS 2000, some functions (e.g. Configuration, History Information, Shutdown Information) will not show up normally.

This problem caused by the older version file 'bwcc.dll' located in windowssystem. The resolution is copy the new version bwcc.dll file to windowssystem, and the new version one could be found in the RUPS installed directory. Before doing the
copy, rename the bwcc.dll in windowssystem to bwcc.bak, this is to avoid the utilization of other application, just in case.

I installed RUPS 2000 at my client site and have problem with loading the service.

I install the software under administrator privilege and its work fine, then I tried to log on with my client user which is Power User and get the error service fail to load. I change the user privilege to Administrator and its work fine.

I want to set back the user to power user privilege! What is the problem?

Please make sure logon in administrator account if you are using Windows 2000 operating system or above.

After RUPS Installation, when I want to start RUPS Manager, there is a message, 'RUPS Service is stopped' Start the service now? - YES or NO? If I click YES, there is a message, 'RUPS service failed.'

Please upgrade the software to the latest version and make sure logon in administrator account if you are using windows 2000 operation system or above.

UPSilon 2000 Q&A

Could we use the UPS service from the Windows NT and the UPSilon 2000 in a system?

No, only one of them could be loaded into the system.

Do we have to login into the Windows NT to execute the UPSilon 2000?

Yes, the UPSilon 2000 is an application software, so we have to login the system to execute the software. Please select the UPS service from Windows NT if want to execute the UPS service without login the system.

'I have been trying to set a scheduled setting for turning on my computer at a scheduled time for my weekly virus scan. In trying to set a time for turning on, say TUESDAY at 19:00 hr. and turning off at 19:30 hr. The UPS will not turn on at the scheduled time. But if I turn on the UPS myself at 19:15 hr. the UPS will turn off the computer at the scheduled time of 19:30 hr. I have tried some special settings with the same results.'

After setting whatever schedule, it is a must do shutdown from UPSilon 2000 first. Goto 'Control' then click 'Shutdown'

'UPSilon 2000 does not try to save any program that is open, I've simulated a power outage, while Word97 is in used. The UPSilon 2000 shuts down the computer orderly, but it ends in the Windows shutting down screen 'Please Wait For Win95 To Shut Down', and then it shuts off the computer without waiting for the next screen, 'It is Safe To Shut Off Your Computer'

The problem lies in the time set for shutdown. Different Operating System have different time range for shutdown. In this case, the shutdown time set is too short , that is why the PC was shut off before the safe screen displays. Try to prolong the shutdown time.

UPSilon 2000 cannot work under Novell Netware 4.11 but it works perfectly with other operating system including Novell Netware 3.1

Download the updated file of POWERMAN.NLM for Novell 4.11

How to let UPSilon 2000 run in the background when Windows NT starts?

Installing service function when the UPSilon 2000 were installed, please refer to the Appendix of User's Manual for installation.

If your version does not have the service function, download the service function file and install it.

After installing the UPSilon 2000 under Windows system, it works perfectly. But both the functions of close application and shutdown system were failed.

Download the latest updated files from our site.

How do I know the M2505 cable is the one that should be used on my UPS instead of M2502 cable?

UPS that use both these cables are TRUE RS232 UPS with MegaTec protocol. The difference is:

UPS communicate with computer on pin 6.7.9 ---> M2502 cable

UPS communicate with computer on pin 2.3.5 ---> M2505 cable

UPS listed below are the ones who uses M2505 cable:

Delta: GES-N

Chroma: 91 Series

Phoenixtec: C Series

UPSilon for UNIX version 3.0, cannot open UPSilon log file!

Make another directory /usr/adm

I have just upgraded my operating system and would like to know if the upsilon 2000 v2.0.9120 software is compatible with Windows XP professional. If not where can I obtain an upgrade and how much is it?

No. UPSilon 2000 v2.0 is an old version and cannot support Windows XP operation system. If you are using version 2.x or earlier, kindly contact our service for a special upgrade price.

I can't install the upsilon for Unix program (my operating system is Mandrake 9.2):

Installation of UPSilon 2.0 for UNIX Lite


1. Linux 2.x

2. FreeBSD 2.x

3. FreeBSD 3.x

q. Quit.

Please Select One: 1

Extracting files :

../install: line 75: uncompress: command not found

Program files: OK!

cp: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre `./help.Z': No such file or directory

../install: line 79: cd: upsilon: No such file or directory

../install: line 80: uncompress: command not found

tar: help: No se puede open: No such file or directory

tar: El error no es recuperable: salida ahora

Help files: OK!

../install: line 90: cd: upsilon: No such file or directory

chmod: fallo al obtener los permisos de `./install.linux': No such file or


../install: line 92: ./install.linux: No such file or directory

[root@orimel tmp]#

Please uncompress the file as follows.

1. copy linux.Z to temp

2. cd /tmp

3. tar zxvf linux.Z

4. cd upsilon

5. ./install.linux

By doing these steps, the software can be installed successfully.

Can you please tell me what the 'bucking voltage' icon and light is for in the UPSilon 2000 main panel?

The 'Bucking voltage' means that the UPS is stepping down high voltage to levels that are safe to your system.

I'm running UPSilon2000 on WinXP on SP2. After a reboot the following error occured : the icon in the taskbar showed that it had no connection to the UPS. When i click on it says: 'please wait, process starting up' but that never happens.

It seems the software is not installed correctly. Please reinstall the software.

I have downloaded SNMPView 4.1 and installed it. But the version is in Chinese version. Is it possible to download the English version?

The SNMPview software will auto detect the OS current language.

I would like to find out if the UpSilon2000 supports all version of Linux.

UPSilon 2000 supports all Linux with core version later than 2.0.

We are using your UPSilon 2000 software in Linux operation system for UPS monitoring & auto shutdown purpose. But we fail to install it properly. When I try to start the service of UPSilon it's gives the following error message, 'UPS Adapter No Response! Type [upsilon stop] to stop this process.'

Please make sure no other process uses the same serial port as the software.

NetAgent Q&A
How to reset the NetAgent II to factory defaults, if the password on the device is not known.

Please download the firmware of your NetAgent Model at After that, the password of the NetAgent II as it will be return to the default value